For almost two thousand years children, and women, and men have been comforted by and agreeing with Paul's keen observation in his letter to the first Christian group in Rome:
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39. NLT) Because Love is nearer to us than death, grief and loss don't stand a chance and inner peace is not a fake but a real thing. Because Love is nearer to us than anything material life could ever offer, a meaningful life experience is possible right now. Because Love is nearer to us than any message (the original meaning of the word "angel") that might reach our consciousness, we can always know what to do next. Because Love is nearer to us than any demons, no regret can nail us to the ground, no self-condemnation nor self-righteousness is able to hypnotize us and darken our prospects for a bright future, no guilt is haunting, nor sorrow is weighing us down - Love's pure reality has authority in our thought. Because Love is nearer to us than fears for today, our love for the present moment is sustained and our understanding of safety and independence is strong. Because Love is nearer to us than worries about tomorrow - aptly defined as "ingratitude in advance" -, we can stop denying the presence of supply in this very moment. Love is our true home, our one and only eco system. It is an individual eco system, tailor made for you and me - and therefore it is a global eco system safe and sound for all. You might embrace something like this prayer --- building on Paul's observation and transforming it into your daily practice: "God is Love and nearer, dearer, and more real to me than anything else. Love can only feel love. Creation, including me, is integral component of this universal, omnipresent Love and feels only what love feels. Guilt and worry are neither part of me nor of anyone else. Neither self-condemnation nor self-righteousness are part of Love, the one consciousness or Ego. Everyone is loved, everyone is loving, everyone is lovable, because Love stabilizes love in every single idea that Love is holding in consciousness. A sense of love is embedded into the fabric of our being. My reason for existing is to reflect God's love for everyone without discrimination. There is no other reason of living, and yielding to this purpose keeps me safe and progressive for ever. Divine Love reigns." Love's eco system is a universal eco system, an all-encompassing power, and it is expressed in your individual eco system. Love is a purifying and sustaining energy, a blessing for all - a healing and redeeming power, as many have proven already, for example Helen Lechner. Check out her moving report of healing from trauma, regret, and guilt (thank you, Helen, for sharing your experience with all of us!). Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024