"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.… And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly." (1. Thess. 5: 21,23) Is this counsel practical, realistic and wise? Absolutely! Here is what you do: Look at the big picture, don't be afraid, really look and examine it. Prove it. And then: hold fast that which is good. Isn't this Bible talk for: Keep the good. Remember only what works. Focus on the constructive, give space to what builds up, let fresh air into your thinking. The good is the real deal. Only what is real and constructive and good matter. This is true in moving forward in life, in starting a family, writing a journal, building up a company, founding an agency, learning an instrument, learning how to do pottery, learning a language, learning how to make orange marmalade, learning how to speak wisely. You prove what you think you know, you hold fast that which you can master, which works, which is good --- and you move forward on this sure foundation. Once you see that Paul is simply stating a universal truth, it will be easier for you to put into practice. If in doubt, follow Paul's advice. "Holding fast that which is good" is comforting and informative when it comes to keeping your cool. It is like a wakeup call to Life. Good is Life. You live in it, you are an integral part of Life. You have a constant link to your Maker, your inexhaustible source, as a masterpiece of Life, a marvel, the sum of possibilities, forever unfolding, much loved. The whole creation is infinitely packed with good, so much good. This understanding is far from ignoring evil but exactly the opposite. It is enabling you to look fearlessly into an abyss, to face the polyphony of complainers, to look into a den of dread, to speak right back at a sense of hopelessness and separation. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" is synchronizing you with good; you emerge from blogging on your inner website and can see the big "we" again. Right in the middle of Life! And hello, there you are! I thought so! "Hold fast that which is good" - yes, this is our minute by minute joy and task. This is the way to demonstrate the science of being. You, too, can "prove all things; hold fast that which is good" - and feel the power of Love, that sanctifies us and everyone wholly. We are all one in good. "Hold fast that which is good." Let me introduce you to a man who did just that under the horrific circumstances of a concentration camp, in a block packed with people. Reading it is worth your time, it has the potential of changing your life.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024