Beauty is divine. It is everywhere where God is. It is the most noble quality of everything of real worth, of substance and intelligence. There is a wonderful beauty in faith, for example. There is a special beauty in patience. There is a marvelous beauty in goodness. I have experienced beauty in healing and peacemaking. Beauty is part of every individual and every aspect of our being. When in doubt look with Love into being and see beauty right where you are. You will find it right there, and it only takes God's view of reality to see it: "Love, redolent with unselfishness, bathes all in beauty and light." (Mary Baker Eddy)
This bath of Love is simply glorious, this is what Love does. When I look at my husband, when I see my children, my sister, our cats, when I look at family members, friends and patients, neighbors, colleagues, and strangers in the streets (friends I have not met yet), I see beauty. It is right here. I see it everywhere. There is something deeply reassuring, ennobling, comforting, and satisfying about beauty. This is because beauty is eternal and shows you what Life is about. Beauty is of God, and everything beautiful is beautiful because it reflects God, the very core and essence of life. The miracle of being, the activity and enthusiasm of a creative Mind, that is pure Love and only wants your best, our very best. The universe including us is radiant with Life's beauty, continuous vitality, energy, and growth. All is beautiful - there is beauty in the system of numbers and notes, an infinite design in endless variations, all in perfect order. Divine Love's ideas are shining "in glorious radiance", informs us the Psalmist, and Love's ideas are elegant, refined, representing the faultless style of their Maker. A hymn by J. Palmer Snelling says: "Such tender beauty, Lord, from Thee is shed abroad o'er all the earth; in bird, in sunbeam, light and flower Thy grace and goodness may be seen." (#45). |
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024