I have stayed current with news about the situation in Kabul. When reading just another article on one of the news portals I check, I was overcome with discouragement and deep sadness. What a hopeless situation. You might know that many countries, the US, European countries like Germany and others, and Australia try to pull out their soldiers, helpers and their families, translators, contractors, members of NGOs etc. And the last word has not been spoken. It seems that Afghanistan is entering just another phase of war, darkness, subjection of women and minorities, poverty, and isolation. Hopeless.
Well, is it hopeless? Is there not even a silver lining at the horizon? Well, isn't every "hopeless situation" a call to side with our dear fellow brothers and sisters - where ever they are? Praying for inspiration, for a real, tangible idea to carry me forward and seeing that each one of us, where ever we are, is linked to Love showed me that can all can useful - and that means moving forward with confidence, and not with fear. Prayer is the way to go – it is acknowledging that we live in the presence of God, it is feeling the power of LOVE and it is feeling that everyone is loved directly and unconditionally. I know how it feels that LOVE loves us. This warm feeling that assures as that we are safe and at peace. This feeling is only the response to LOVE's love, the real and only power there is. And it is a feeling reserved for --- everyone! As I prayed, Psalm 24 brought deep comfort: "The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein." I saw that God, LOVE, never stops caring for Her creation – each of us. Ever. I saw, that it is impossible that man is - and God is not present. It is not possible to conceive of man, LOVE's child, to be without God, anywhere, anytime? As the Bible says, "The earth is the Lord's… the world and those who dwell therein." God is where man is. Knowing these spiritual truths matters. In the darkest niches of the world, in prisons, in camps, in caves, in situations of abuse and neglect, exploitation, mortal danger, senseless violence, threats, and disregard many people found hope and strength by perceiving something of the presence of a higher power, divine LOVE. If LOVE seems to be sidelined, ridiculed, threatened or subdued, LOVE can wait and will not walk away. LOVE is forever and always here. No one is ever alone. This higher power is our one and only and best resource and is empowering inspired solutions and a change of heart for the better. No one is beyond repair. I found this insight from Mary Baker Eddy which perfectly explains our role when praying for the world: "Good thoughts are an impervious armour; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort. And not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited." (Miscellany, p. 210) |
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024