Recently I had the great honor of being invited to speak about my profession at the Lions’ Club in my city, with the intimidating name “Albert Einstein”. Lions' Club International is a secular, non-political service organization founded in 1917 and operating today in about 200 countries. The aim is to meet the needs of communities on the local and global level. This invitation was the result of my sharing something about the Christian Science Practice during a business meeting, and the context of the Christian Science Practice being a service for humanity got me the invitation, I think. It was for me the second invitation to present my profession outside the Christian Science network - and the first time that Christian Science was presented to the Lions' Club in Berlin.
As a speaker I have found it helpful for everybody to eliminate the greatest obstacle right up front and tackle the biggest question in the minds of the audience quickly, so that everybody is then free to join in the topic. Talking in public is sharing, and as with individual talks, you deal with what's hard or difficult to grasp first. The Christian Science practice is entirely built on a power that has no place in the secular context: God. But it is the one and only basis for the profession. Christian Science practice works entirely with the reality, presence, and power of God and puts divine law into action, and this is a premise that is not up for debate or ever can be. You can compare this to a lawyer presenting her profession - and not needing to argue for the fact that there is something like "law" in the first place. So I jumped right in and invited everyone to join in me in accepting that there is a supremely good intelligence which is operating beyond the five senses, but tangible to spiritual sense in all of us. The higher law of the universe, divine Principle. God not being just good as an adjective: God is Good itself. It is so natural to Christian Science to start with Good, to move along with Good and to stay in Good all the way through. I felt so natural then to start my presentation for the Club members from the same basic premise – that Good, God, is the basis of everything. I had prepared little cards with the definition of “Good” from the Christian Science textbook, which I put in front of each individual present. Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, in the glossary in the back of her book (p. 587): “Good. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action." Good is real and Good is here. This is the unquestioned and wonderful truth of our being, which Mary Baker Eddy discovered, and it is quite easy to get a true feel for the goodness and potential of man by looking at man from the perspective of God, Good. When your experience needs an upgrade in goodness, which we all do quite often, the prayerful work that moves us forward has been outlined by Paul in his letter to the Romans (12:2): “Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves towards the goal of true maturity.” I shared Paul’s counsel with the club members in a contemporary translation. Good is the will of God, but we need transformation. What do you see when you are willing to be transformed by Good itself? What do you see when you look at your fellow man from the basis of infinite goodness? That night at the Lions’ Club I saw dedication, integrity, potential, compassion, and joy. You and I will see something of this Good today, too. There is no end to experiencing the fullness of Good, every day. Because Good is God. Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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