Use what you know and continue to grow. Stay with new ideas, fresh and freeing, gratefully, and then move forward differently - not with the yearning for another article or a different topic. Staying with new ideas long enough to understand them properly. And then live them. For there is a tendency in the human mind to jump to the next, to not properly digest the food already eaten; we don't need a puffed up sense of ego, but a grateful awe of God, the only Eo there is. There is a spiritual guideline, enough to fill a human life, enough to carve out of a diversity of possibilities the one that serves a higher purpose and blesses all: "Are we really grateful for the good already received? Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have, and thus be fitted to receive more. Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech." (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 3) This is my guideline. I am trying to be really grateful for everything good I already comprehend, to avail myself of the blessings I have, to be fitted to receive more. And the way to do it is to put everything I am grateful for, I spiritually understand, into action. I am using the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving Day in the US to my own thanksgiving and gratitude week. I look around in my own household of thought and ask myself, how deep my love, how honest my gratitude truly is. There is more to come. But only if I already use what I have. My own practice of gratitude has lead to surprising gifts - given by me and received. Practical expression at this point is to remember individuals, who have unselfishly supported your spiritual growth and wellbeing over the past year and send them a note and/or send a donation. Just that you know: Christian Science practitioners are not employed by anyone, the contributions to the periodicals are unremunerated, and many practitioners do so much more than help individuals find solutions, healing, and redemption from the past. There are so many worthy causes out there, and this year I am supporting a homeless shelter in Berlin, the sunrise of Africa school, I increased a monthly donation to our local Christian Science community in Berlin, and I volunteered to help without pay with moderating and facilitating peace building efforts and advanced training between religions. We are so very well equipped, and we move forward out of a wonderfully rich platform of ideas. Where do they come from? Here are two articles. The ideas in both come from one project I prayed and wrote about, after having tested the ideas in my life and practice. I can only write about something I have proven for myself. Already the blessings shared with me through email, WhatsApp and iMessenger are so very heartening. Gratitude is more than you think it is. It is a life-saving power. The grateful awe of gratitude. November 20, 2017. The Christian Science Sentinel. Three dimensions of gratitude. A blog post, September 1, 2017 Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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