When we start out on a quest, what God, pure Good, is, we will inevitably realize that we cannot find God in the world. The world has it all wrong and God has it all right.
History says that breaking the ten commandments works for a while - before Christianity changes the rules of the game once and for all. The world says that history is written by the powerful and ruthless until a different record appears. The world says tilling the soil and working hard is enabling one to pay the taxes – before Christ Jesus pays the taxes with the help from the mouth of a fish. The world says that bread requires flour, oil and an oven --- before the Israelites realize it can fall from the sky. Metal is heavier than water, before Elijah finds an axe swimming and Jesus walks on the surface of the sea of Galilee. Oh, Jesus is truly the master of spiritual law application, himself being the son of a virgin. One might look at almost every aspect of human life to see how spiritual laws override and overrule every material restriction, every expected outcome. Jesus the son of a carpenter, astonishes listeners in the Synagogue with his learning, overturnes the manmade laws of sickness, sin and death with the application of the higher laws of Spirit. His most astonishing shining summary of spiritual laws, the beatitudes, stands the test of time and is the imperative rule also for the 21st century. Christ Jesus declares it clever to be humble, smart to be meek, strong to be pure, secure to be peaceful. In taking these uplifting reminders of Love’s actions and power one floor deeper we can truly move one step from not only knowing that Love will prevail, but also how Love will prevail. It is Mary Baker Eddy to write in Science and Health: “Divine Science shows how the Lamb slays the wolf.” Let me be clear: This is not about actual lambs and wolfs. Lambs are to be protected and grow into sheep, and wolves are wonderful animals as anybody who has read "Beyond Words" by Carl Safina knows. There is within the history of Christianity overwhelming evidence that the Lamb (the Christ power of pure spirituality and Love) is slaying the wolf – although this analogy is remarkable beyond first sight. It is remarkable because the Bible talks about the lamb and wolf as feeding side by side in the vision of eternal peace (see Isaiah 65), not about the lamb slaughtering the wolf. Isaiah talks about lambs and wolves in their identity and divine glory. But having moved to a point where the true status of God, man and all creation is put under scrutiny there is truly no cooperation between the wolf and lamb possible. The lamb is powerful beyond limits while the wolf mentality – a Biblical representation of evil and enmity to purity and innocence – is being once and for all disarmed. So, in light of the continuing parade of extremely brutal events on the world scene it is time not only to trust that the purity of the lamb is slaying the wolf – that the seemingly powerless are protected from destruction and extreme brutality. It is also important to understand how the lamb is slaying the wolf. You get this when you get God, really. God, Love, is prevailing, and we can know how Love does that. Perhaps an answer is in the following paragraph of the above quote: “Innocence and Truth overcome guilt and error. Ever since the foundation of the world, ever since error would establish material belief, evil has tried to slay the Lamb; but Science is able to destroy this lie, called evil.” What about this: The lamb is only powerless from a human standpoint. From a divine standpoint the lamb is “the Lamb” (with a capital “L”). It is the ultimate symbol for divinity, the spiritual idea of Love. The Lamb represents unselfishness, total surrender to Spirit and complete trust in goodness. Complete, unquestioned, ultimate. The Lamb is all about self-immolation and yielding. So what we can discover is that sheeplike sweetness is disarming evil by reflecting Love’s power without detour. It is this unopposed power of the Christ that is the secret within the how. The childlike is powerful because it is backed up by Truth, meekness has divine authority because it is backed up by Principle, and forgiveness is a potent protecting law fulfilling Love as omnipotence. In the history of Love it is a shepherd boy that is eventually becoming a wise king with a sure hand for poetry. A shepherd that learned to tend lambs and sheep. David could answer the question how the lamb is slaying the wolf - and he did so by overcoming Goliath. Love’s symbol is something as tender and sweet as the rainbow shimmering in all the colors of the spectrum - the supreme symbol for blessing and peace that the Bible shares as a legacy to all mankind. Love is the unexpected, the brilliant coup, Love is the ultimate merger of intelligence with good, disarming forever any craftiness of evil. The unexpected and underestimated is the ultimate power: Lamb Power. Use it! Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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