How odd that a ray of light would struggle for a relationship with the sun. How strange to think that a website needs to remember a link, which is programmed into it from the outset. How bizarre to imagine a four in search of its place in the system of numbers. How outlandish to think that we need to struggle in order to survive. Who are we?
Retreat from the fragments, the storm, the chaos and listen. Whereever you are. The still, small voice of spiritual intuition is calling you. It is the voice of Soul, divine Life. We are what we are, and if this marvelous, incredibly good and immensely creative Life were not enough to sustain us, if there weren't divine Soul, we would be lost, we would not even be. You cannot argue with Life, because Life made up its Mind already: "What a marvelous idea", Life is saying. "I keep it, I love it, it is imagining forth so beautifully, powerfully, joyfully what I am." This morning I woke up with this divine idea illumining my consciousness: "You are all children of the light and of the day..." (Paul, quoted in I Thess. 5: 5, NLT) No one left out, no one separate. Because it is not about billions of individuals with billions of single flames - Paul perceived the truth of being: Ideas representing the fullness of intelligence, strength and power. Expressing the one and infinite, eternal light, representing day, symbolizing unfoldment and progress. Being - it is God's prerogative to define what this is. The link between God and man is spiritual - it is set, fixed, continuous and infinite. It is so much older and matters so much more than anything else, than anything that erring human sense relying only on five senses can come up with. What do they really know? The relationship between God and man is set. Because it is infinite it is always present. Everything that matters for our being is here. No struggle, just being. Safe, strong being. You are being cared for in a way that exceeds human imagination. You are on God's radar and always will be. You represent the superpower of the universe, infinite good, divine Love. "Thus founded upon the rock of Christ, when storm and tempest beat against this sure foundation, you, safely sheltered in the strong tower of hope, faith, and Love, are God's nestlings; and He will hide you in His feathers till the storm has passed. Into His haven of Soul there enters no element of earth to cast out angels, to silence the right intuition which guides you safely home." (Mary Baker Eddy. Miscellaneous Writings. P. 152) Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024