It is fabulous to know that we are contemporaries. You and I and billions of others are contemporaries. The Christian Science Monitor's Photos of the Week remind us of the synchronicity in diversity. It doesn't matter whether we know each other personally, we truly know each other as individuals in our true selves. So look around and be proud of two special contemporaries of all of us: A musician and singer song writer from England and a poet from the US. To sing is "dusting your soul", said a friend. Albert Schweizer says: "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." Mary Baker Eddy writes: "Music is the rhythm of the head and heart." (p. 213 in Science and Health). Andrew Brewis has been providing gorgeous songs, contributing also to a new Christian Science Hymnal, and has been recording songs and giving concerts all over the place. His songs for the Newsong Group are moving, comforting, uplifting, empowering, inspiring, healing! I know many people who are indebted to him for his work - spiritual nourishment in the most cheerful form. In these days Andrew Brewis is at home, like the rest of us. And continuing to share and nourish us all - every Saturday from now on, as long as it takes: Andrew Brewis is giving concerts on Facebook from home --- every Saturday 11:00 AM Los Angeles/2:00 PM New York/7:00 PM London/8:00 PM Berlin. It is really the best of the best! Simple, from his home to your home. You might want to support him as a musician by sending a donation here. Then there is a poet out there, who day after day after day nourishes humanity with poetry of the finest kind. Kate Mullane Robertson, our contemporary, too, has developed over time a unique voice, using the activities of observation, listening, and sharing by turning thoughts into aphorisms and inspirational quotes - she sits at the feet of divine Love, every day and is one of humanity's poets in residence. You find her here or on Facebook, day after day after day. The moment you see humanity as a family and wish everyone the very best, you honor God, you feel your own burdens less and you feel kindness blossoming in your heart - like the sublime yellow daffodils now in many parts of the world. You are entitled to say: I am a contemporary with you all, I am interested in my neighbor and I truly care for your wellbeing and safety as I do care for myself and my family and friends. I am on eyelevel with God and I know that God is Love. As Andrew is inviting us to sing with him, and as Kate is sharing with us her poetry, we are being reminded of the gift of gratitude and the gift of the bond of love, bundling us up in one magnificent present. "Love flies out the window, and perches on window sills, singing her song of solidarity..." Kate Mullane Robertson, April 1, 2020 Thank you both for doing what you do - for being our contemporaries! Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024