"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word." (John 1:1) This beautiful, strong revelation of divine Truth from John quiets the troubled mind, all the time. This morning I wondered whether this Word, John writes about, could also be a question. Questions are powerful and they start sometimes something truly meaningful as much as stating facts. The Bible itself and the best Bible commentary I know, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, pose many questions that make us think.
Both books make a very strong case for God and man as being inextricably linked as Parent and child or as Cause and effect. God is the beginning of everything - and man is the effect of this beginning. A word which Mary Baker Eddy introduces to describe man is already hinted at in the Bible, and this word is "reflection". I love the double meaning of this term. A reflection is, of course, the likeness of whatever looks into a mirror. It is also a thought - you might say to someone: Here are some ideas, can you please reflect on them? God is the intelligent Cause, the beginning and end, the Alpha and Omega of everything. God is the palpitating, active force of its own creation. Love is the supreme action, energy, and force that creates, outlines, quickens, and upholds. God is unopposed and unequalled power. God as Mind means that all intelligence, all cause and effect, the creator is only good, pure, holy, strong. God as Spirit establishes good as substance, the all-power and omni-action of Spirit as being supremely beneficial and benevolent. God as Soul is upholding its own infinite individuality and uniqueness, being the supreme consciousness of its own vast creation, and being the only, loving, strong great I Am. God, Principle, is the wise, supreme law-maker, in charge of its own vast system of laws, statutes, rules, commandments, precepts, statutes – and as such is the supreme equalizing force in the spiritual universe. God, Life, is the source of all being, entirely good in its vitality and energy, and God, Truth, is the only and supreme reality. So when God reflects on His/Her own ideas - what can that be? God is All, so all that God can reflect about is God's own grandeur, perfection, harmony, and strength. So what if God is the question and man is the answer? Showing forth the beauty of creation as an answer to the most High? Mary Baker Eddy writes: "The great miracle, to human sense, is divine Love, and the grand necessity of existence is to gain the true idea of what constitutes the kingdom of heaven in man." (Science and Health, p. 560) Psalm 111 reads in part: "He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered." So what would life look like if we humbly yielded to God's view of reality and let our lives shine as an answer to divine Love? We are made to remember what God is. We are made not just to have an answer to all this wonder - but to be one. Man is the answer.
Marie Longpré-Adams
4/8/2016 05:01:37 pm
Bonjour Annette!
Marie Longpré-Adams
4/8/2016 05:01:52 pm
Bonjour Annette!
Marie Longpré-Adams
4/8/2016 05:03:04 pm
Bonjour Annette! Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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