"Who hath despised the day of small things?" asks Bible wisdom for more than 2500 years now.
The patience while waiting in line, the grace in repeating something for the umpteenth time, the awareness of beauty in mundane moments, the gratitude for Life itself. Truly, the small is the mighty. And the small matters as much as the mighty: Is a chipmunk, a mouse, a snail less of a wonder than a hippo, a fox, or a gorilla? Right. Mary Baker Eddy writes, that creation "consists of the unfolding of spiritual ideas and their identities, which are embraced in the infinite Mind and forever reflected. These ideas range from the infinitesimal to infinity [...]." (Science and Health, p. 503) So I am finding that one way to grasp the infinite is honoring the infinitesimal. Everything good, everything constructive - however small - is proof that good, Spirit, is for real. It doesn't matter how tiny it is - it represents something enormous. It represents as much the Creator who is breathing spiritually entire galaxies into existence as do A flat major, foxes, chocolate ice cream and sonnets. Everyone, every animal, every plant, mountain, sea, meadow, everything in God’s universe is a miracle, a little galaxy in itself. It is in itself infinitesimal again, a compound idea with infinite elements of individual nature. So can anything be too insignificant for consideration? Just this week taking care of the small things and honoring God in every detail of my experience I found in the small things the big thoughts. I observed my husband and daughter demonstrate with ease, that weight is not objective but a concept, when they carried a washing machine with ease up into our daughter's fabulous Berlin apartment. A washing machine! It was my husband's prayer and insight that weight is mental, that we can take it away and see the truth that God makes everything accessible and perfect. This insight brought with it the truth that everything is already in its right place and that the human experience can only follow this higher law. A small moment teaching something big. I reached a train which by any human calculation was already missed. While praying with a tremendous, glorious calm spiritual intuition told me that I was already in my right place and that I would have all the time in the world if I didn't hurry. I reached the train with ease, the door closing right behind me. Several small mundane problems were put up into God's inbox and left there --- and solved in almost miraculous ways. Interestingly, the more your spiritually centered life tells you to put God first, the more normal it becomes to experience good all the time--- the big in the small. In German the word for "daily life" is "Alltag". It can mean "daily life", "every day", but also "a day in the universe". If we cannot see the holiness in our most mundane experiences, we cannot see it at all. We live in God's universe. If you live "the day of small things", everyday life turns truly into a holiday. We feel the energy of Spirit, an infinite replenishment of wonder. There is no pressure or need to settle for anything less. Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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