Tous les jours vais au Institut Francais de Berlin pour apprendre le francais. Yes, I am in the middle of improving my French. I love this language, our family loves France, and French is increasingly important for my work as a Christian Science practitioner. French is spoken in many countries around the world, French is also one of the languages spoken at the Christian Science summer camp Arc-en-ciel which will take place next summer in Switzerland - and which I facilitate to prepare.
This week I hit a mental wall. There was one grammatical aspect that just didn't stick; I simply didn't get it and didn't connect to the patience my teacher was expressing, trying in a variety of ways to explain why these phrases are constructed in the way they are. I was stuck and thought I would never understand this. Will I be able to cross the finishing line and speak and write it as I do with English, German, and Italian? My mental breakthrough came from an interview with the astrophysicist Dr. Laurance Doyle. The entire interview is about a physicist's view of the Scientific statement of being, a revolutionary statement by Mary Baker Eddy in the Christian Science textbook "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures". One phrase in this statement is: "All is infinite is infinite Mind, and its infinite manifestation, for God is all in all." (p.468) Laurence Doyle unfolds historic and physical dimensions to this statement and shares his rephrasing of this statement when being among physicists, saying: "Consciousness is a field, and not a particle." His remark reminded me of the Allness and Everywhereness of Mind, the presence of the all-encompassing consciousness, which has been called God, Spirit, Mind, Love, which is outside human bodies or selves and fills all space, is the centre and circumference of all intelligence, is not outlined, but outlines - and is the source and cause of all intelligence. Pondering what divine Mind is, I could see myself increasingly not as an individual struggling with limited possibilities, but as an idea within an infinite consciousness. The Bible calls this being "I AM". The learning block melted away, and a little later it suddenly "clicked". I got it. In the days since then the teacher looked at me every time this particular grammatical topic would present itself, and I could jump in and give the correct answer. I learned something. How does it feel to live within a field - a field of intelligence, to be surrounded and permeated by intelligence? I am so grateful to live within divine Mind, with all of you. How grateful I am for the Christian Science movement which unselfishly provides humanity with such revelations, food for thought, healing ideas. Here is the interview I talked about. Perhaps you find it as inspiring as I do? I think you will. Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024