My favorite day is today. There is no better day, no more perfect day, no more harmonious day, no more relaxed day than today. I rise into the day. "Rise" is in sacred texts linked to light, leaving behind the darkness of the night. The morning song is nothing but the welcome of fresh opportunity and the call to follow the morning light with an uplift of the heart. This practical advice comes out of my favorite book: "Rise in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good. God has made man capable of this, and nothing can vitiate the ability and power divinely bestowed on man," writes Mary Baker Eddy in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (p. 393). We can heed this advice and we rise. Simple. Today is all about progress. This is what a new day means. It is a unit that the human mind can perceive. An opportunity. A year seems to be more difficult to grasp, but a day is doable. Years are short and days are long. A day is an opportunity, and time is not so much the factor of progress as is the unfolding of good, as we follow God's day. Today is all about newness. No yesterday is following, no past is haunting, no history catching up. Our life is not an endless chain of eventual yesterdays linked to each other. But an eternal rising to Life in Life. It is the spirit of obedience that follows Life's calling to rise and be in sync with its own rhythm. Today is all about healing. The distance between spiritual activity and lethargy is as the distance between day and night - it is impossible to close the gap. It is either day or night, spiritual activity or lethargy. Obedience to the call to rise does the trick and healing is the activity of today. There is no other reason to rise, and there is no reason to let an opportunity for newness go by unused. Nothing but an underestimation of day and of our own authority to own it will hold us back. Today is all about healing (read an article on healing here). Today is all about being alive in the sunshine of God's goodness. It will not get any better than this. If in doubt, tune in to Julia Wade and John James as they sing "Gloria" by lyricist and composer Peter Link - a praise to the One and Only who only is able to uphold our wholeness and dignity. We have everything we need. Today is the day. |
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024