The other day a well-planned project came to an unexpected halt. This project had been projected, imagined, planned in the most meticulous way for many weeks, and now it seemed it couldn't move forward.
Yesterday I asked God for an answer - for direction - and I opened my Bible to this verse: This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time. (Habakkuk 2: 3. The Message) What a message! What encouragement! I couldn't have received a better message. The Bible is a book for us, today, and I took the message to mean that good was already coming our way, that good was already in the process of unfoldment and that good could never be stopped. There is no doubt that God is Truth and Love. God is All. Whereever you are, whereever you go, whatever you plan to do, whoever you speak to: God is already there, present with you, in you and through you and others. All the good appointed for us is already guaranteed and a fixed fact. It might seem "slow in coming", but it surely is coming. Where do we find this trust in good? By learning from Christ Jesus. He lived so closely with his best friend and parent, infinite Love, that everything good was always within reach. All the good promised by God, Truth and Love, was present with him all the time. He encouraged everyone to live just the same way, to get to know God as Truth and Love in just the same way, and he said: „If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.“ (John 14:14). Now that is a promise we should test much more often. It is a promise that good is coming your way - so just turn and see it coming. We claim good as much as we claim any promise God makes. As our project moved forward today with conviction and joy, yours will, too. Nothing is too good to be true. A hymn from the Christian Science Hymnal has wonderful encouragement for us: Glory be to God on high, / God whose glory fills the sky; / Peace on earth to man is given, / Man, the well-beloved of heaven. / Gracious Father, in Thy love, / Send Thy blessings from above; / Let Thy light, Thy truth, Thy peace / Bid all strife and tumult cease. / Mark the wonders of His hand: / Power no empire can withstand; / Wisdom, angels' glorious theme; / Goodness one eternal stream. / All ye people, raise the song, / Endless thanks to God belong; / Hearts o'erflowing with His praise, / Join the hymns your voices raise. (The Christian Science Hymnal, No. 72:1, 2) Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024