There is no end to learning love. Whatever we do, it has to do with love. Whatever happens to us, an answer has to do with love. Where ever we are or want to be: It is linked to love. There is nothing more real, wise, substantial, powerful, meaningful, comforting and inclusive than divine Love, and Christian Science has unfolded Love as being the All-in-all of everything that is. Everything worthwhile and of lasting effect is linked to our understanding of divine Love. You can walk around earth for years, you can build a space ship and fly into the next galaxy: You will not find anything more exciting or inspiring or real than divine Love. So you can get a glimpse how it feels to work in a profession that has infinite good, divine Love, at the basis of everything that happens in my day. Divine Love is my employer. When I was reading reviews of the new film on the fantastic rock band "Queen" entitled "Bohemian Rhapsody", I came across an interview with Rami Malek, the fabulous actor impersonating Freddie Mercury. This thoughtful interview focuses on his current project but carries it so much further. And again, here it was: Love. Rami Malek speaks about the "generous soul" of Freddie Mercury and explores aspects of artistic work that you might enjoy getting to know. It is the wider view, the larger picture he is concerned with. Two times Rami draws the interviewer into the dialogue and turns the interview into, yes, a dialogue, in the most generous way. Behind the issues of race, class, gender, all topics of the movie, is a quest for love, which is being answered in the tender care and goodness of divine Love itself, being always present - that is, being never absent. As Rami Malek moves the questions of the interviewer out into a wider field he seems to summarize the result of all the searching and learning and working for humanity with these two words: "Love deeper". I thought of this quote by Mary Baker Eddy: "We live in an age of Love's divine adventure to be All-in-all." (My. 158) God's love is shown in higher and deeper ways. So let's love deeper. Explore how that can be - can it mean to love more honestly, with more persistence, with more resilience, more profoundly, with more patience? And can it mean that we look out for something to learn about love in the most unexpected places? I am also looking forward to "Bohemian Rhapsody", which I am going to see next week. Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024