"Metaphysics resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul." (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 269)
Can we be metaphysicians - and turn our life into a laboratory for spiritual ideas? Is this true and practical? Is being a metaphysician an option for anyone? Test it and see for yourself. Often a deeper understanding of words helps to open a spiritual path. Something like this: "resolve=dismantle=dispel=dissipate." "exchange=convert=replace=substitute." "object=thing=topic, also linked to "objective and purpose". Go back to the above statement and discover its depth. A deep and faithful purposefulness to solve a physical challenge with a spiritual approach brought about a healing, which you can read about here. I could see that inflammation and a locked jaw where more a challenge to my thought than a physical reality. And I now know that there is no separation between a spiritual idea, an idea of Soul, we clearly perceive, and its immediate effect in our experience. We live in a mental world. We can look deeper and see more: The ideas of Soul. Peace. Wholeness. Freedom. This will sound odd to those of you who have little experience with spiritual ideas. But this kind of reasoning is not foreign to anyone. Anyone who loves his/her neighbor knows something about the importance of ideas over physical appearance. Anyone who works in the field of peacemaking and conflict resolution knows something about the deeper connections between people rather than physical characteristics. Even if you cannot put your finger on it, you have some experience as a metaphysician. Get some more. You can start small in "the day of small things." Which might become "the day of big ideas". Or "the day of smooth solutions".
Judy Gilbert
10/3/2016 03:35:34 pm
And what would our world be if we all thought and reasoned this way? Oh the infinite possibilities!! (Like the delectables at your beautiful Backerei.)
Kate Gibson Oswald
10/3/2016 07:30:38 pm
Very interesting and accessible blog. Thank you! Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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