In praying for a specific issue in my own experience I prayed with this beautiful poem from Mary Baker Eddy:
Dear God! how great, how good Thou art To heal humanity's sore heart; To probe the wound, then pour the balm -- A life perfected, strong and calm. (Poems, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 22:14–17) "Strong and calm"---what a wonderful, gentle, sustainable description of our life. The strength of my life, I could see, is in my spirituality, and only there. It is strong and it is calm. Spirit does not outsource any of its marvellous powers and functions to matter. Not one. That is a fact that I continue to explore and discover every day. There is one Life, and this one Life is here, strong and calm. This one Life is all good and meaningful all the time. Mortal sense might float cluelessly on an ocean of mere words but those are never real life. We can take a stand against a lack of commitment and faithfulness to Life and put a sense of human ego consistently and with engagement aside. Our thinking, our consciousness is the God-designated instrument for the Christ to work in. I feel and know that consciousness is the workshop in which life is perfected, every day. The simplicity of the Christ always brings me back to happiness and peace and is a power against the downward pull that tries to steal our God-given identity as God's own. Dear God! how great, how good Thou art To heal humanity's sore heart; To probe the wound, then pour the balm -- A life perfected, strong and calm. (Poems, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 22:14–17) "Strong and calm" became a motto for me, and the obstacle was overcome and harmony restored. One small, but for me mighty incident in an eternal experience of good in our one wonderful eternal life in God, Life. God is the universal power, a dear Mother to us all. Goodness is always calm. The life perfected, strong and calm, is also a motto to pray for humanity right now. It has the effect of making null and void fear and a sense of loneliness. It heals hopelessness and empowers integrity. Without probing of the wound there is no healing. This prayer certainly improves the atmosphere around us. It shows that every single life is in essence "strong and calm", and no argument to the contrary is going to be convincing, ever. Because we know who God is, the omnipresent Goodness that is the center and expanse of Life. How grateful and hopeful and unafraid of honesty we can be. Your life, too, is good and made of divine stuff, your life is integrated and meaningful, and the Christ shows us how and why. Your life truly is "perfected, strong and calm". Today. Dear God! how great, how good Thou art To heal humanity's sore heart; To probe the wound, then pour the balm -- A life perfected, strong and calm. (Poems, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 22:14–17) Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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