To get up and go. To stand up. To arise. Before we can experience the new, before we can be free - we need to get up. And go. Nobody can make this one decision for us. It is more a right than a must. We are free to do it, always. There is a mental space - an open space, a wide space, even if we feel trapped, in a tight spot, in a place where we don’t belong, in a work which has turned out to be a dead-end, a relationship which doesn’t work anymore, peer pressure which has pushed too far. This might be the picture, but we can go deeper. There is an assurance which has been inspiring me, from the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: „There is moral freedom in Soul.“ (p. 58) There is the essential freedom to do what is right, to pursue what is good. Soul, God, is the infinite space of Good and we have the right and the ability to feel and move in this space. To accept our true being. The Bible is the essential book of humanity, and much more so every time I open it. Like millions of others, every day. In a few descriptions of healings by Christ Jesus we read: „Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.“ (Mark 2:9) These words took on a deeper meaning some time ago. While helping a friend this invitation by Jesus applied directly to our time and it translated for me like this: "Stand up for your freedom, stand up for God, discover the divine right of self-government, rejoice in this open space, in this space in which you can move freely. Be a law to yourself. Take up what you don’t need any more, pack up what is worn out. Take only the essentials. And go. Go into your own house, cherish your true identity as God’s child and be at home there. Do what is normal, be at home. Leave behind what is too small and not valid anymore." And then I opened again a book which a friend gave to me, „Short Notes from the Long History of Happiness“ by Michael Leunig. It is all here: The freedom, the movement, the essentials, the determination, the resilience and the joy of discovery. How to get there. You might be surprised to find that these insights apply to change as much as to healing. How to get there. Now you know. Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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August 2024