There you are - yes, I mean you! Just you! You are God-appointed, God-anointed, God-directed and God-protected. If you are puzzled by the word God think "Soul" or "Life." Your individuality is Soul-filled, it is continuous and ongoing and eternal. You have your source in God, divine Mind, and therefore you are always what Soul wants you to be. You cannot change that, only discover. Since Life makes no mistakes, each individual idea retains its specifications, purpose, and place. A few days ago I had this insight: "Nobody/No body can block the appearance of man." Man is God's masterpiece and as eternal and good as God. This insight brought an immediate healing. We may ask: Who am I? Do I have a purpose? Where is my place? Well, our “Place” is our individuality, isn't it? And isn't this the challenge - to take a stand for God's goodness, creativity, and care as opposed to finding out who we are by checking Facebook or a year book? Our place is who we are, and our place is all good. Sir Isaac Newton's place, Mary Baker Eddy’s place, Galileo Galilei’s place, George Washington’s place, Jane Austen’s place, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s place were formed/shaped/carved out by their expression of their unique individuality, and what humanity perceived of their individuality is only a glimpse into their true life-story as written by God. How to get to know our individuality? How to expand it? By getting to know God, the Soul that created us in the first place. You didn't create yourself. Personal sense does not carve out neither our place nor our individuality, that's the reason for the ongoing quest. Only by leaving behind personal sense, true individuality will appear. And there it is: our position in Life, right there. A most moving Sentinel Watch - a weekly Christian Science podcast - brought out many facets of individuality, and the exchange of ideas might enrich you as it did me: Discovering your essential place in God's creation. Mary Baker Eddy writes: "Each individual must fill his own niche in time and eternity." (Retrospection and Introspection, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 70:18). To me this sounds like answering to my name, my real name. Our peers, tradition, culture have no say in this sacred relationship between you and your Maker. It is a holy moment when we hear this call and are able to respond to it. This answer is powerful when it is as immediate and loyal as water is to gravity (as Mary Oliver says). Soul, God, knows already who you are, and without any hesitation you can answer: "Here I am". Comments are closed.
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In my work as Christian Science practitioner and writer I draw on listening to God and listening to people. Categories
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September 2024